In today’s global workplace, language isn’t just a tool for communication—it’s the bridge that connects teams, drives innovation, and ensures everyone is on the same page. But for many new hires, especially those coming from diverse cultures/backgrounds, mastering English can be a daunting challenge. Not only this, but it can be equally daunting for companies to understand how to hire employees who don’t speak English well. So, how can companies ensure all of their employees thrive in an English-centric environment? It starts with understanding the power of language training and making it a cornerstone of your onboarding process. English isn’t just nice to have—it’s a game-changer for both your hires and your business.
Helping employees improve their English doesn’t have to only happen in a formal English class environment.
In fact, providing opportunities for employees to build their English language skills should become a core part of your company culture. One way to get started is to teach some basic English words during an employee’s first few days. When completing new hire training with individuals who don’t speak English, many trainers and HR staff members resort to translating all the information. However, while translation can help communicate the concepts, it’s also equally important for employees to learn at least some English words as well.
Consider this example. One of our clients decided to hire a non-English speaking individual for the janitorial department. To ensure that the employee grasped the training content, they had the new hire training translated into his native language. As a result, the employee felt confident in the expectations and methods of his basic tasks. One day, he was mopping the floors in a long hallway after hours. Another employee started walking down the hallway at the other end, deep in thought, and unaware of the “wet floor” safety sign. The new hire, who didn’t speak English, didn’t know how to call out and tell the other employee to be careful and that the floor was wet. While he had been trained well on how to properly mop the floors and ensure safety on wet floors, his lack of English language still created a significant safety risk for his coworker. This almost caused an accident in which one or both employees could have been hurt, fallen, etc.
Because the proper English words were not taught, this employee probably had other similar instances in which it became increasingly difficult to communicate in a fast-paced environment. Even though the concepts were understood, it didn’t eliminate the need for English language in the workplace environment.
When companies start teaching key English words for the workplace early in the new hire process, they will see several benefits, both for companies and their employees.
By proactively addressing the language barrier early, companies are able to stop miscommunication, workplace accidents, and increased turnover
it becomes a problem. Employees are also given better footing from which they can begin their new position, setting them up for success as they continue to learn the language.
Think back to the employee in the janitorial position who couldn’t call out a warning in English. By including in the new hire training some basic safety phrases for communicating caution (such as, “Whatch out!,” “Be careful!”) the company would have better prepared him to communicate with coworkers when he was in the middle of a task that required caution from others, such as mopping the floor, or cleaning up a spill. So, what are some other ways we can improve our English training to new hires knowing about these benefits and risks?
Incorporating this English language learning into your new hire training can be done seamlessly with a little time and effort up front. Here are a few strategies we recommend and have seen work well in the companies we’ve worked with.
We’ve worked with many companies who are looking to improve their onboarding processes to better support their non-English speaking employees! If you’d like to learn more about our services, or schedule a free consultation with us, send us a message! We look forward to hearing from you!
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