FIVE WAYS to more effectively communicate with employees who don't speak English.

Build Retention

Improve Engagement

Build Cultural Understanding

Communication issues around language barriers can create some very serious challenges and problems. 

Many companies are desperate for workers and can’t afford to let employees go, yet they are unsure what strategies to take to lower the risk of safety issues or costly mistakes made by employees with limited language skills.  If your supervisors have a hard time communicating instructions or directions to employees who lack English language skills, this guide will give them concrete, practical ways to quickly improve employees' understanding. Need a quick win? Here you go.


Lower Error Rates and Risk of Safety Incidents

Learn 5 ways to improve communication with employees who have limited English language skills! These 5 steps are practical and easy to implement. You can start improving communication in your workplace right now. Download the guide and pass it on to your supervisors, managers, or anyone else who interacts regularly with employees with limited language skills.

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